Dental Specialists of Darien | Itero® Scanner, Dentures and Preventative Program

Use the Toothpaste That’s Best for You

September 29, 2022

A prosthodontist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of his (or her) patients’ oral function. His ultimate goal is to provide his patients with teeth that are attractive and healthy. A major component of excellent dental health is brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Everyone uses toothpaste, but everyone doesn’t know that all toothpastes aren’t alike. A prosthodontist knows which kind best suits each patient’s specific oral healthcare needs. 

Dental Specialists of Darien’s state-of-the-art facility gives us the tools to treat our patients with the utmost precision. Our knowledge of traditional methods is combined with advanced technology to produce the best results.

First and foremost, use toothpaste that includes the seal of the American Dental Association. Also, use a brand that includes fluoride. This natural mineral is why there’s been a dramatic decrease in tooth decay in the past 50 years. It’s a superb defense against the harmful effects of the acids from food and beverages that cling to teeth. Fluoride strengthens enamel and remineralizes areas that have started to decay. 

Here are specialized toothpastes that are available in all dental-care aisles.

Tartar control

Tartar isn’t your friend. It comes from plaque, the pasty film that forms when bacteria mix with starchy and sugary foods and beverages. Plaque that’s not removed by flossing and brushing hardens into tartar, which only a dental professional can remove. When it accumulates on your teeth and under your gums, it promotes gum disease and tooth loss.

Sensitivity reduction

This type has potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, chemical mixtures help ease sensitivity by hindering the passageways that attach to nerves inside teeth. It’s useful for folks whose teeth are easily bothered by hot and cold foods and beverages. 


Many well-known brands make it and even encourage its daily use. Most don’t have bleaches. Rather, they use abrasive particles or chemicals for polishing teeth or binding to stains to help remove them from the surfaces. Though some people are skittish that whitening toothpastes might damage their enamel, studies imply otherwise. 

At the office of Dental Specialists of Darien, we pride ourselves on our sophisticated approaches to prosthodontics. Our main focus is to always ensure that all of our patients feel cared for and comfortable. For more information about our practice, please don’t hesitate to call today for an appointment.

Contact Us

24 Old Kings Highway South
Darien, CT 06820
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Schedule an appointment online or give us a call and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

24 Old Kings Highway South, Darien, CT 06820
(203) 836-2744